
First exercise about a cow

Cowhead is a quite difficult task for me. I must use cube to create the head of the cow by using the extrude tools to make the head. when I first tried to extrude the head,  the face boxes are always changed and the whole head shape like a alien. After school, I redo my work by step and step and I finished my cowhead. 

This is the cow's body. The most difficult part is to smooth the body centre. I use pull and push to change the shape of the body and use smooth tool to make the body more natural.

The last part is the hands. This part is quite easy to me. Using extrude to make the fingers.

This is the final cow, but I think this is a small orangutan. ^-^


During this process, I learn lots of new technologies like mirror geometry and sculpt geometry.
Mirror geometry can make a same  symmetric model .
Sculpt geometry provide few tool to make the details like pull, push, smooth and relax the model.