
Week2 Exercise

Exercise 1a

Group Video

This is the group video for exercise 1a, We choose the last part to play it.

5 Screen Shot of the video

Key Pose1

Firstly, this is the beginning position and I am ready to walk to my friend. In this position, it should be notice the shoulder movement and the legs movement. 

Key Pose2

This part, the character move one step and stand straightly. She move the arm and trying to take something.

Key Pose3

It catch the bottom and look at the bottom. Perhaps she was very angry.

Key Pose4

She still look at the bottom. The body move a little bit forward and she tight grip the bottom. Therefore, we know she was very angry. 

Key Pose5

She move the body and quickly throw the bottom. At the same times, she's head also turn to another side.

Exercise 1b

Exercise 2


During this week, I learn key pose is very important for a animation. When people want to make a good animation, firstly, you should make sure that you key poses are selected. And, the week, we make our group video to better understanding how key poses are important in an animation

week1 exercise

1a The facial expression exercise

2a Following the information to make the blendshape

2b Create a new different facial experisson. (I change a little a bit eyebrow and mouth)


a.  Does a blendshape require the base mesh and the target mesh to have the same number of vertices? Explain your answer, with reference to how blendshapes actually work.

The blendshape are  using the base mesh and the target mesh to have the same number of vertices.  The blendshape may use the Paint Selection Tool to select the points. Then, creating the deformers – cluster.  Therefore, I can move my selected parts. Sometimes, the blendshape are not a smooth part, so I need edit the cluster weights. Changing some values and make the face more smooth.

b. Can blendshapes only be used for facial animation? If not, prove it! Animate something and post it on your  blog.

Blendshapes is not just use on the facial animation. 

c.  If you want a character to look angry, you might decide to create a target mesh of the character's head and then modify it to have an angry expression. This is NOT how it should be done. Why not? And what would be a better approach? (Hint: you want to give the animator as much freedom as possible.).

All the facial parts should be independent. The face should be like a real person.


This is the first week of this term. During this week, I learn more about the facial expressions. How to use the facial tools to complete one word and the whole complete sentence. In fact, the first exercise is not do hard. I just animate the facial parts to do the works.

The  blendshape is quite fun for me. When I use the blendshape tool to move, the face will be move.