
Discuss Prison & Toontown building

Compare–Prison & Toontown

The two places may have lots of different points, but in my report, I just focus on the building form, the shapes and spatial relationships.

Firstly, when I see the Prison’s picture, I feel it very powerful. The building form is quite tidiness.
It  is just like a few of blocks on the ground.  However, the Toontown is different,  Toontown house is more use curves and lots of angles. It is feels like a fun place. If little child come to the Toontown, maybe they will very like the place.

If we put a cube on the table and do not deal with all things, it is just a cube on the table. Perhaps people have lots of imaginations, like a TV, a box, and a iphone.  However, if the cube change or combine with curve or other objectives, it become a new objective which may have another purpose and will have a new imagination.

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